Abstract Categories SUBMIT ABSTRACT
Late-breaking abstracts of original research are invited for the following categories:
- Influenza: Pathogenesis
- Influenza: Transmission
- Influenza: Innate Immune Response to Infection
- Influenza: Adaptive Immune Response to Infection
- Influenza: Virus-host Cell Interactions
- Zoonotic Influenza
- SARS-CoV-2: Pathogenesis & Transmission
- SARS-CoV-2: Novel Treatment and Prevention Strategies
- Influenza - Broadly protective/universal influenza virus vaccines
- Influenza - Improved seasonal vaccines
- Influenza - Antivirals and therapeutics
- Influenza - Human challenge models
- Influenza - Non-pharmaceutical interventions
- COVID-19 - Vaccines in use and in late stage development
- COVID-19 - Antivirals and therapeutics
- COVID-19 - Pan-coronavirus vaccines
- Public Health Genomics for Influenza
- Vaccine Effectiveness for Influenza
- Vaccine Effectiveness for COVID-19 and Implications for Influenza
- Surveillance for Influenza Including Joint Surveillance and Impact of COVID-19 on Other Respiratory Virus Diseases
- Modelling and Forecasting for Influenza
- Burden of Disease for Influenza and Dual Epidemics
- Disease Control Policy for Influenza
- Preparedness for Respiratory Disease Pandemics